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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey day 1 week 1

Maui is a mythical demigod that has helped the Maori culture for many things he has lassoed the sun mad us coconuts and got us fire from down below.

Maui has a big stone hock that makes him able to shapeshift into many animals.

Maui is also the person or demigod that pulled out islands for us to live on.

The story of the sun and Maui.

once upon a time there was a village where the sun would go around very fast so someone in the village called Maui had a plan he grabbed a few people from the village and made them some ropes with hooks on them they soon found the spot where the sun will come out so they hid behinde some rocks to protect them selfs from the sun as soon as the sun came out the all threw their hooks while maui jumped up high and SMACK the sun with his ancient hook and soon then the gaveup and soon started to slow down for ever. The End


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  2. こんばんは Luke san,

    What a great start to the Summer Learning Journey programme— ka pai!
    I like how you have elaborated on each fact; you've really helped us as readers understand more about Maui and his cheeky ways. Speaking of cheeky, did you know that he was renowned for being the demigod "trickster"?
    I guess that's why his brother's always wanted to get away from him, because he was apparently always up to no good.
    Why do you think that they needed to hide behind rocks to protect themselves from the Sun? And where do you think Maui got this hook from? Here's a hint: it was a jaw bone!

    Well done on giving us a lovely summary of the story of Maui and The Sun.
    You're off to a really good start Luke, keep it up!


    Jordan san.

  3. Morena Luke!

    Fantastic start to the Summer Learning Journey! My name is Cadence and I will be working with your cluster this summer.

    I have to agree, Maui is a pretty cool demigod! I love the story of the sun and Maui. He is very clever and strong!

    What did you think of the story Maui and the giant fish? I liked when Maui hid in the boat and his brothers didn't have any idea. Very clever!

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog posts!

    Cadence :)

  4. Kia Ora Luke

    My name is jolie and I go to Glen Innes school. I am also doing the Summer Learning Journey. Your facts are one of a kind. Keep up the good work :)


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