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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey day 1 week 1

Maui is a mythical demigod that has helped the Maori culture for many things he has lassoed the sun mad us coconuts and got us fire from down below.

Maui has a big stone hock that makes him able to shapeshift into many animals.

Maui is also the person or demigod that pulled out islands for us to live on.

The story of the sun and Maui.

once upon a time there was a village where the sun would go around very fast so someone in the village called Maui had a plan he grabbed a few people from the village and made them some ropes with hooks on them they soon found the spot where the sun will come out so they hid behinde some rocks to protect them selfs from the sun as soon as the sun came out the all threw their hooks while maui jumped up high and SMACK the sun with his ancient hook and soon then the gaveup and soon started to slow down for ever. The End

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Types of Hooks to Hook the Reader

I am learning to write different types of hooks to hook our readers.

Firstly, we wrote the first sentence in the book for the example and then we put the title of the book that page and put it on the next Collom, after that, we had to say why did they mean when they said that line in the sentence.

I learned that it might look hard but its actually really easy.

It was easy to write the example for the first one but then the other 3 was hard because I needed some books to write for it.

The DLO I used were the journals that had our title and examples in it that we had to write about in the four Collums.

I used the book to write all of my examples in the Collums.

Also please do comment on all my other blog posts.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Compare Sheet Venn Diagram

I am learning to compare and contrast sheet
First, me and Johann did separate circles Johann did six and I did the embarrassment expert
then sally told us what to do on my life and we both did our what was hard in our life

I learned to connect sentences together so if six and my life are the same we write it in the orange part but if six and embarrassment expert are the same I put it in the purple circle

It was easy to do embarrassment expert because  there was so much information in the book
but it was hard to do my life cause I didn't know what to write so I didn't write much

My DLO was the journals we had so we could do research for the compare and Venn diagram

the resource was the books so first we skim read them then we put any information in the circles but we also had to write when it happened and what happened to there bodies and their feelings so it took some time

Also, it would help if you could comment on all my other blog posts.

Friday 15 September 2017

My Class Poster

I am learning to get better at writing

It was first hard because my teacher said that I have to use pictures that represent what I said but I manage to do it.
 it was very easy to find what to write because they are on the white board.

I learned that we have to be kind each other even if we hate each other.

The steps I did was first I did my writing then I do the rest of the pictures.

The resources I used was this 

Friday 1 September 2017

Letter writing WALT: we are learning to write letters to people

 I am learning to write a letter to teachers and people

It was hard finding more information to write my letter but I manage to get the information.
 it was very easy just write it all cause im a very fast typer.
I learned writing letters to people aren´t easy on computers.
this is my plan I used for my letter.

Also, go and check out my friend Johanns blog and comment on his too :3

Friday 25 August 2017

Math Slide Shoow

What was hard it was hard to find the answer to the question u get but it was easy to put my words in.w

Friday 11 August 2017

Our math slide show

I learned that we can use sticks and number to get the answer  

its was easy to write the numbers but it was hard to find the answer